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PL/SQL Training Guide Modules

PL/SQL Training Guide Modules

Regular price $10,400.00 USD
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Embarking on a journey to learn PL/SQL involves mastering various modules that cover both fundamental and advanced topics. Here's a structured guide to essential PL/SQL training modules:

1. Introduction to PL/SQL

  • Overview of PL/SQL: Learn about PL/SQL's history, features, and applications.
  • Setting Up the Environment: Install Oracle Database and set up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Oracle SQL Developer.
  • Basic Syntax: Understand variables, data types, and basic input/output operations.

2. Control Structures

  • Conditional Statements: Implement IF, ELSIF, and ELSE statements.
  • Loops: Use FOR, WHILE, and LOOP constructs for iteration.
  • Exception Handling: Manage errors using EXCEPTION blocks.

3. Procedures and Functions

  • Creating Procedures: Define reusable code blocks with parameters and return values.
  • Creating Functions: Develop functions that return a single value.
  • Subprograms: Understand the use of procedures and functions for modular programming.

4. Cursors

  • Implicit Cursors: Handle single-row queries.
  • Explicit Cursors: Manage multi-row queries with explicit cursor declarations.
  • Cursor Attributes: Utilize attributes like %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ROWCOUNT, and %ISOPEN.

5. Collections

  • Associative Arrays: Work with key-value pairs.
  • Nested Tables: Handle tables within tables.
  • Varrays: Manage variable-size arrays.

6. Dynamic SQL

  • Executing Dynamic SQL: Use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for dynamic execution.
  • Binding Variables: Bind variables in dynamic SQL statements.
  • DBMS_SQL Package: Utilize the DBMS_SQL package for advanced dynamic SQL operations.

7. Triggers

  • Creating Triggers: Define triggers for BEFORE, AFTER, and INSTEAD OF events.
  • Trigger Timing: Specify when triggers should fire.
  • Trigger Restrictions: Understand limitations and best practices.

8. Advanced Topics

  • Packages: Group related procedures and functions for modular programming.
  • Object-Oriented Features: Implement object types and methods in PL/SQL.
  • Performance Optimization: Enhance PL/SQL code efficiency and performance.
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